Monday, October 29, 2012

Afraid of the Dark?

Tangles used: Twilight Zone, Flying Geese, Flutter, Flora, Fescu, Nipa Droplets, Yincut, Printemps (variation)
Sakura white Gelly Roll pen on black card stock, with white charcoal pencil

Here it is! My second official Zendala for the fabulous Erin's Zendala Dare! This is Zendala Dare #29.

I did it on black because it is Halloween week, after all. As I began to tangle, I started thinking about what this week's Monday Mandala might invite us to think about. Because of Halloween, I think, I went straight to fears. In addition to fears like snakes and creepy spiders and ghosts on Halloween, our deepest fears can paralyze us. They keep us from moving forward. They keep us from moving altogether sometimes. What are your deepest, darkest fears? 

Darkest fears.

Our fears keep us in the dark. What I love about this mandala is the white ink coming out of the darkness of the black background. White symbolizes the LIGHT. In the midst of darkness, just a little bit of light can guide us out and into a brighter place. So, let's not dwell on fear. What lights you up? What moves you from the darkness into the LIGHT?

Today is a gloomy, windy day in Michigan. I am thinking about my east coast friends and Hurricane Sandy, praying that she spares the coast from disaster. Weather can be so scary. At the same time, there is a shooter on the loose in my area. He has been shooting cars at random on the highway. Whaaaaat?!?! Scary.

I am trying to keep my eyes toward the light today. For me, that light is my family - my husband and our three children, our extended families, and my sweet friends who lift me up and carry me out of the dark. At the center of my mandala, I used a tangle called The Twilight Zone, it seems to be swirling. I imagine the swirling effect could launch us right up and out of the darkness, into the safety of the light.

I love the way this simple dare turned into something so much more meaningful for me. I think that is the power of the mandala + Zentangle. It is the Zendala at work.

Wishing you safety, peace, love, and light today. xo

For my tangling friends, oh my gosh! The Gelly Roll pen was driving me nuts with its thick tip. It was fun to try something different though. Thanks for another great dare, Erin! I can't wait to see everyone's creations!


  1. Nice job! Like the white on black and the shading done with the white charcoal pencil. Not familiar with Twilight Zone. Is is posted somewhere? You are right about the white gel pens. Do not get the same easy flow that get with a Micron. Takes some getting use to but you did a great job.

    1. Thank you Donald! Twilight Zone is from that book The Joy of Zentangle. It's pretty new. I love the book!

  2. What a gorgeous zendala, it looks like lace, not creepy at all. Thanks for sharing your tought with us.

  3. I love this lacy gorgeous zendala on black! Just stunning! Happy Halloween :)

    1. Thank you so much Ember! It's so fun to play!

  4. Very pretty - I love the white on black but haven't tried it yet.

  5. Anna...this is just beautiful! I keep looking at it over and over. It brightened my day :)

    1. Thank you Beautiful! I get lost in the mandalas. I could stare at them forever!

  6. When I first looked at your Zendala, I thought it was a lacy doily. Love the white on black -- ever so dramatic. Great work!

  7. Anna...I love your creation! The white on black is so elegant! You are so right about our own fears and how they can paralyze us.

    1. Thank you Michelle! I hope you are doing well this week! xoxo

  8. I had the same thought- this lady photo'd a doily. but no, you did a gorgeous zentangle on black. So lacey and lovely.
