Jewel sings a song called Life Uncommon. The Brave Girls Club introduced me to it. It is a beautiful song. When I hear it, my heart stills. Maybe you could listen to it, if you've never heard it. Get it started and come back to me.
I don't want to spoil anything for you, in case you ever attend Brave Girl Camp (and I reallllllly hope you will), and honestly even if I told you every single detail of every bitty morsel of my camp experience, it would still blow you away (I attended in July of 2012). I must tell you this though... to sit in a circle of women whose paths, while so very different, intersected at Brave River Ranch in Idaho - women who started as complete strangers, but who over the course of minutes together became lifelong friends, and listen to Brave Girls Club co-founder Kathy Wilkins sing Life Uncommon as she plays the guitar... it is like living in heaven on earth. Kathy has the voice of an angel. It is an experience I will never forget.
Jewel sings "...We are tired, we are weary, but we aren't worn out...lend your voices only to sounds of freedom. No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from. Fill your lives with love and bravery and we shall lead a life uncommon."
That is what Brave Girls Club is all about - filling our lives with love and bravery and giving us tools to lead magical, melodious, harmonious lives. When I think about Brave Girls Club and the ways in which their offerings have enriched my life, the shifts I have experienced since my first Brave Girl online class at the start of 2012 seem far from common. I had no idea that online classes that I could take from the comfort of my own home whenever it was convenient for me even existed and now, roughly a year and a half later, I am in the very beginning stages of figuring out how to offer an online class of my own.
What if something has simple and fun as an online class could change your life?
Somewhere I read or heard Brave Girls Club co-founder and Kathy's sister Melody Ross say that she believes in sharing things that can help people. I'm not gonna lie. I adore Melody. She inspires me. She is kind and compassionate, creative and incredibly talented, and she and Kathy and every sweet soul affiliated with Brave Girls Club embody LOVE. And, they are so real. Their love is soooo real.
So anyway, the whole sharing thing is what inspired me to jump on this blog-fest train. I also believe that goodness is meant to be shared. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me (even seconds. Even complete strangers. Seriously.) is likely to have heard me say, "Have you heard of Brave Girls Club?" I am a passionate sharer of all things Brave Girls Club.
Of course I want to share an opportunity TO WIN A SPOT IN THEIR NEW ONLINE CLASS: SOUL COMFORT! You can read all about it here.
In short, this is an invitation to...
Post your answer in the Comments box at the bottom of this page to enter my drawing for a spot in Soul Comfort. It's that simple! I will randomly draw a name on Saturday, September 21. I will pass along the winner's name to Brave Girls Club and YOU will be ready for some soul comfort like you never imagined. I can't wait to see you in class! xoxo
p.s. click here to see a list of other blogs participating in this give-away - you can enter all of them!
I don't want to spoil anything for you, in case you ever attend Brave Girl Camp (and I reallllllly hope you will), and honestly even if I told you every single detail of every bitty morsel of my camp experience, it would still blow you away (I attended in July of 2012). I must tell you this though... to sit in a circle of women whose paths, while so very different, intersected at Brave River Ranch in Idaho - women who started as complete strangers, but who over the course of minutes together became lifelong friends, and listen to Brave Girls Club co-founder Kathy Wilkins sing Life Uncommon as she plays the guitar... it is like living in heaven on earth. Kathy has the voice of an angel. It is an experience I will never forget.
Jewel sings "...We are tired, we are weary, but we aren't worn out...lend your voices only to sounds of freedom. No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from. Fill your lives with love and bravery and we shall lead a life uncommon."
That is what Brave Girls Club is all about - filling our lives with love and bravery and giving us tools to lead magical, melodious, harmonious lives. When I think about Brave Girls Club and the ways in which their offerings have enriched my life, the shifts I have experienced since my first Brave Girl online class at the start of 2012 seem far from common. I had no idea that online classes that I could take from the comfort of my own home whenever it was convenient for me even existed and now, roughly a year and a half later, I am in the very beginning stages of figuring out how to offer an online class of my own.
What if something has simple and fun as an online class could change your life?
Somewhere I read or heard Brave Girls Club co-founder and Kathy's sister Melody Ross say that she believes in sharing things that can help people. I'm not gonna lie. I adore Melody. She inspires me. She is kind and compassionate, creative and incredibly talented, and she and Kathy and every sweet soul affiliated with Brave Girls Club embody LOVE. And, they are so real. Their love is soooo real.
So anyway, the whole sharing thing is what inspired me to jump on this blog-fest train. I also believe that goodness is meant to be shared. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me (even seconds. Even complete strangers. Seriously.) is likely to have heard me say, "Have you heard of Brave Girls Club?" I am a passionate sharer of all things Brave Girls Club.
Of course I want to share an opportunity TO WIN A SPOT IN THEIR NEW ONLINE CLASS: SOUL COMFORT! You can read all about it here.
In short, this is an invitation to...
To the tired, the exhausted, the overstretched…
Life can be simple.
What if we celebrated the brave act of….taking a break?
What if simplicity, comfort, and quiet were the goal?
What if there really was a way to quiet the chatter in our minds and let us
recharge our body & soul?
recharge our body & soul?
And what if it was fun, too?
Introducing a new eCourse . . .
Soul Comfort
Really? Yes, really. Whatever Brave Girls Club offers, they deliver that, and always so much more.
You can count on this class to be . . .
- enlightening, enjoyable, fun, & simple
- customizable with many choices to fit your exact style
- interactive, encouraging, and supportive with a private community on Facebook
- and weekly live chats
- a beautiful experience that will help you relax, simplify, and enjoy your life
- a place to learn simple new ways to journal,
- plus the ”Brave Girl” way to use stitching and such
- to create both beautiful things you’ll love AND peaceful relaxing moments
- a place to learn exactly what nourishes YOUR body and soul
- how to fit comforting rituals into your day
- something that you can finish without feeling overwhelmed
- produced with the level of caring and attention to detail that Brave Girls Club is known for
I have a really good feeling about this because I recently assembled my own little toolbox that I use to make pages in my Blessings Journal each day (most days...). I have certainly seen the benefits of taking a little time to create something each day. I feel grounded, more centered, and whole. And since my focus is on gratitude, I feel grateful - grateFULL if you will.
![]() |
a page from my Blessings Journal |
I was so excited when I saw that this class was being offered. When I signed up I requested access to the Facebook group for students and the love and support being shared there is already so heartwarming. Class hasn't even started!
Why do you think women have such a hard time taking care of themselves in the ways they so lovingly care for others?
Post your answer in the Comments box at the bottom of this page to enter my drawing for a spot in Soul Comfort. It's that simple! I will randomly draw a name on Saturday, September 21. I will pass along the winner's name to Brave Girls Club and YOU will be ready for some soul comfort like you never imagined. I can't wait to see you in class! xoxo
p.s. click here to see a list of other blogs participating in this give-away - you can enter all of them!
Oh! This sounds wonderful! I would love to take this course! I think that most women don't take care of themselves like they take care of others because they feel guilty taking the time to do it. I know that, for me, my little boys are the loves of my life. I want them to know how much I love them and be present for them when we are together. BUT, I'm learning that in order to be a great mom, I have to be nourished myself. That is hard to learn! I'm willing to bet that many other moms feel this way, too. :)
ReplyDeleteI am crossing my fingers and toes that I win! I think women are so busy taking care of others that we sometimes lose sight of our own needs. I would love to take this class to have a sense of peace during the holiday season. Thank you for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI would love to take this course! :) Oh my goodness. I think our hearts are made to crave creating love in our home. These days, it's so difficult for us as women to ONLY be at home creating that. We have so much. Jobs, all the added stress that comes with that....stress of trying to raise up healthy minded children in this world, be good daughters to our aging parents, be encouraging, supportive wives to our husbands. All of these things are hard to do in addition to all that is expected of us. We try to do a good job...but then we are emptied. By the time we get around to all the others we care for, it's over for us. Either there's no time, or we are just plain too stinking tired. If we are to make's having to carve that time out of somewhere we would have given to someone we feel guilt. It's easier for us as women to just forego taking care of ourselves because the sting of caring for ourselves is a slow, dull, dream thief. Thank you for this opportunity!
ReplyDeleteLife has thrown us unbelievable curve balls for the past couple of years and our lives have been spiraling out of control. God's been driving da bus but I need a good rest stop with some personal attention. I need some soul spa time - badly. Amy Nutzell
ReplyDeleteWhy do women have such a hard time taking care of themselves in the ways they so lovingly care for others...good question. I believe that women truly WANT to take care of themselves, but we overextend ourselves. We have families...we put our families before our own needs...we work outside of our families...we choose jobs that are centered around caring for others...we have long to do lists...we get home from work and then start doing things that weren't even on our to do lists...our minds are full...our hearts are full and we want to help...we're just tired! So many reasons. Women. Are. Amazing. We are amazing warriors and we don't give ourselves the permission we need to breathe, center and take a break. We also have a hard time asking for help...I certainly have a hard time asking for help.
ReplyDeleteI read about the class and felt so overwhelmed and teary...I think that was my heart responding, "Yes, Julie, you need this. Take a break." Pick me, pick me.... :-)
I am so full of joy and gratitude for the Brave Girls group and your willingness to host their contest!! You play an important role in spreading the yummy inspiring goodness of Brave Girls Club!
ReplyDeleteMany women are programmed from early ages that others matter more – that we should care for them before using our energy for ourselves. Even if we are aware of the need to change this - their is so much outer validation to not take the time to do it!!! It is SO hard to change these dynamics!!!
Soul Comfort will help me listen to the my Inner Wisdom and not crumble back into doing what everyone else wants because my Inner Mean Girl says “they are more important!”. Soul comfort seems like just the ‘gift’ my soul and heart deserve!
Again thanks for hosting!And I love your blog!
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to get a spot in Soul Comfort. I feel that women have a hard time doing for themselves what they do for others, because they like to do it all. Anything left undone leaves us feeling guilty and ending up too often punishing ourselves in the process. We are known to be givers. Too often at the expense of ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this wonderful opportunity to get a spot in Soul Comfort. I feel that women have a hard time doing for themselves what they do for others, because they like to do it all. Anything left undone leaves us feeling guilty and ending up too often punishing ourselves in the process. We are known to be givers. Too often at the expense of ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI think one reason is because we get so caught up in the process of nurturing everyone around us that we truly don't think of doing the same for ourselves. And then when we do get to the end of our rope... we feel guilty for taking the time out for ourselves when there is so much other "busy work" that needs to get done. We need to TAKE TIME to recharge ourselves so we can continue to give our very best.
ReplyDeleteWhen I found out I was pregnant seven years ago, I started reading books, magazines, blogs, and everything I could get my hands about pregnancy and parenthood. Almost everyone of those sources told me to remember to make time for myself, to keep doing the things I enjoyed. But none of them had useful ideas of how to actually incorporate time for myself. And, all the articles also listed a million things I needed to do for my new child on top of the million things I was already doing for my friends, family, and community.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI was generously gifted a spot in the eCourse 'Soul Comfort' by Suzanne McRae so I removed my entry to avoid interfering with another entry selection.
DeleteGratefully, Denise
So hard for us to take care of ourselves when we are being drilled in the 'You are not worthy' culture that surrounds us...our weight is wrong, our shape is wrong, the food we eat is wrong, we parent incorrectly, our skin looks bad, our hair is lifeless, we drive the wrong car, our kids don't have the right stuff, we have them in the wrong school, sports, computer's so overwhelming, and so much easier to give to others when we see their needs. For once, I am going to ask for what I need, a chance to get re-centered and balanced, a chance to take the SOul Comfort class!
ReplyDeleteBetween wanting it all and not enough hours in the day to do it along with society making women feel guilty about taking care of themselves it sets us up for stressful disaster. Thanks for chance to win. Love BG classes so life changing
ReplyDeletewomen have a hard time taking care of themselves because they are so busy taking care of everyone else. they don't stop or slow down and focus on their own needs.
ReplyDeleteWe as women have a difficult time with self care because we are naturally the nurturers. We take care of everyone else but ourselves and even feel guilty when taking time and doing something for ourselves. We end up finding ourselves lost, tired and depleted, unable to give our best to ourselves and those we love. So taking this course would help me in getting down to the “soul comfort” of nurturing my own soul. I’m hoping this course can bring a calmness and peace that is so desired in my life.
ReplyDeleteI am mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister..... In many if these role my job is to nurture and support others. As much as it is a blessing to be everything to everyone, it is very easy to lose who you are to yourself. I turn to comfort foods and items (I.e. a warm fuzzy bathrobe), I look for comfort in the arms of my partner and friends, in the security that my children are safely tucked in at night, but it is harder to turn to what truly feeds my soul.... Creativity, art, time to explore who I am irrespective of the other influences in my life. Guilt and the fear that taking time for myself will be seen as selfish creates a sense of martyrdom, which does feed you, but not in an authentic way, not in a way that truly feeds your soul. For me, taking the soul comfort e-class is an opportunity to nourish and nurture the core of who I am and what I am to others, by putting myself first, if even for a little while. It offers the opportunity to be disciplined and inspired in the feeding of my creative spirit, who to me is truly the essence of who I am. Thank you for this opportunity
ReplyDeleteBecause we as women are educated that way -
That is the way we are raised. The women take care of everyone else first. We take care of ourselves last. If we choose us, then there is guilt attached to it.
ReplyDeleteWomen are created to be a caregiver, it gives us joy to serve our families. We get caught up in making sure everyone’s needs are met. Personally it makes me truly happy to do what I do. This class will help me to simplify in every area of my life I am certain. I want to focus on me so I can be soul happy and not the tired, stressed Miss Grumpy pants.
ReplyDeleteWe are taught to do it all, but never to ask for help, or let somethings go. Add the competition to be the best and we just can't win.
ReplyDeleteWomen have a hard time taking care of themselves because they are the caretaker to everyone else. If we take time for us then we are taking away from others. The guilt I live with everyday but I am getting tired and worn out and I just need to reenergize and get myself to believe that it is okay to relax and say no, delegate and not let everyone else push me around.
ReplyDeleteThank you
I think it comes naturally to us as women to take care of those around us but it's harder to take time and energy to care for ourselves. We feel strapped for time and guilty if we use it on ourselves. But I have learned that I am a better wife and mother if I take time out for me and have a little peace and quiet. I am happy when I'm creative. My kids are a little older and recognize that and are so good to allow me that space from time to time. It's now time for some rejuvenation...I have neglected "me" for too long!
ReplyDeleteIt is my experience that I tend to lack in the self care department because I am focused on trying to care for others. Problem is….you need to take care of yourself before you can really care for others (I liken it to the oxygen mask on an airplane….. you are supposed to apply your mask first – THEN help others.) I see this course as my oxygen mask, helping me center myself… taking time to heal myself… so that I can meet the holidays and all that comes with them – head on.
ReplyDeleteTo listen to your inner voice and to acknowledge your truth.
ReplyDeleteIt can be hard because we are so focused on the needs of others that we forget ourselves. What a great class to help you simply care for your own soul.
ReplyDeleteI think as women we are just so focused on taking care of everybody and everything around us that we just forget to take care of ourselves. We should take the time but it's so hard sometimes.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Cindy! You won!
DeleteThat is so awesome! Thanks so much! I sent you my info. :)
DeleteI think we are programmed at an early age to be the caregivers; to put others first, before our own needs. So we burned out, get sick, etc., because we cannot be all things to all people, yet we keep trying. I am one of those people. If I don't get some soul comfort soon for myself, I think I'll lose it:) Thanks for offering the chance to win a place in this wonderful ecourse:)
ReplyDeleteWhy do I think women have such a hard time taking care of themselves in the ways they so lovingly care for others?
ReplyDeleteFor me, it happened when I became a mother and my focus from that point on in my life was to nurture and take care of my children. Then before I knew it, my children grew and could take care of themselves. I took a look in the mirror one day and wondered who it was staring back at me. I felt lost and lonely. I wish I had been taught differently. And now, I am trying to pick up the pieces and put myself together again.
I think it is part of women's souls to care for others. Our souls are focused outward in service to others, not inward. And helping others is most often enough for us, but sometimes we overextend ourselves and that is when we need to focus our care on us. Unfortunately, I don't think we have much practice at that, so this class will teach many of us how to care for ourselves, maybe for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI believe that women have too high an expectation of what they should be able to achieve and being natural care givers, never believe they are worthy of me time. There is just never enough time (ie low priority) to look after themselves.
ReplyDeleteI think we choose to put ourselves last when we think that we have more to offer others, when we should really take the oxygen mask first...then we can offer more to our family and commitments. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the chance to win!! I've never taken a Brave Girls course, but would love to!
ReplyDeleteI think we get so caught up in taking care of everyone else, that our own care gets pushed to the back burner. Holidays are hard for me, since losing my mom to cancer in 2003. I think this course would be great to explore some new ways of expressing my feelings.